Because the WHEN is as important as WHAT will happen in your life!

Did you know that the effects of a Dasa in operation overrides all other effects manifested by various transits of planets? This is precisely what makes Dasa an important tool for accurate predictions related to timing trends in your professional, financial and personal matters.

What exactly is Dasa?

Dasa is a unique concept in Vedic Astrology that allocates fixed time periods, ranging between 6-20 years, for specific planets to manifest their effects in your lifetime.
The Dasa system has a full cycle run of 120 years that is split into 9 parts, each owned by a planet. We enjoy those parts of this cycle where the contributing planets are powerful. For example:

  • A Sun dasa usually effects changes in your soul and affects your self-esteem and assertions/goals - runs for 6 years.
  • A Jupiter dasa brings changes in your wisdom and knowledge; affects your spirituality and happiness - runs for 16 years.
  • A Venus dasa usually means changes in your happiness, self-pleasure and luxury goals – runs for 20 years.

Note: The above examples are general predictions, accurate Dasa predictions are arrived at by studying one’s horoscope.

How does Dasa AFFECT One’s Life?

  • Whenever you have experienced a change in life - whether for good or for worse - the reason behind it has always been a change in your operating Dasa.
  • You may have a very strong planet in your birth chart but if that particular planet's Dasa does not operate at the right stage in your life, you will not derive any benefit out of it.
  • You must have observed that some people flourish very early in life, while success comes late for others. This happens because of a benevolent Dasa becoming operational either early or late in one’s life.


Which Dasa You are Running Now?

You can receive a Free Report that points out your current Dasa and its effects on you.

  • Your current Dasa in operation and the progress it will bring in your personal and professional life during the period.
  • Your next Dasa cycles after your current Dasa in operation comes to an end, suggesting what you can expect in those periods.
  • Your career, fortune, luck, love, and relationship trends during the Dasa cycles.
  • Best periods for your growth, personally and professionally.
  • Planetary combinations in your horoscope that are shaping your destiny along with the Dasa cycles.
  • Planets’ influence on how you respond to situations in relationships, other personal matters and professional spaces.

We are happy to offer you a FREE DASA READING so you can make the best out of the opportunities that your Dasa cycles bring you and take necessary precaution, wherever required. Download Report